The Client:
IQ Movement is a boutique and modern fitness center located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They specialize in movement, conditioning, biomechanics, and martial arts. IQ Movement offers week-long schedules, with different coaches and classes every day. They take a philosophical approach and commit to their teachings with multiple-day subscriptions and plans dedicated to health education, targeted training, and recovery.

The Task:
IQ Movement hired me to resharpen their look, feel, and messaging. I worked directly with the co-owner on several projects, both print and digital. He and I developed the 7 Q's of Life, a 7-part graphic series demonstrating the company's different philosophies around optimal health. We worked closely to structure and present these concepts through social media and other digital avenues. I also created weekly graphics for events, class schedules, and company information. On the print side, I created business cards, posters, and advertisements.

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